

The Law Offices of Anna Brace for your free consultation


Mediation is an excellent alternative to expensive court battles between spouses. Mediation allows the parties to work with a neutral third party to negotiate all issues including child custody, support, and property division. The greatest benefit of mediation is that it allows individual spouses to learn to work together as a team to parent their children rather than spend their time and significant resources fighting each other in court. Anna’s favorite expression is, “Don’t spend your kid’s college money fighting over pots and pans!”

The Law Offices of Anna C. Brace conducts family law mediation. Anna’s experience in family law allows her to suggest creative solutions to solve disputes. It is important to understand that when functioning as a mediator, Anna does not represent either party and does not provide legal advice.

Anna suggests that both parties consult with counsel prior to executing a final judgment. Anna’s office prepares and files all the necessary paperwork to memorialize your agreement and finalize your divorce. A successful mediation does not require a court appearance and once papers are signed by all parties, the documents will be forwarded to the court and filed in less than a week.

Contact the Law Offices of Anna C. Brace for a free consultation.